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工业大数据分析与应用 学术讲座预告
发布时间:2025-02-21  浏览次数:22次


Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring for Intelligent Operation and Maintenance of Wind Power Systems


间:2025224 10:00-11:30

点:南京理工大学 经济管理学院106会议室


Monitoring and diagnostics of wind power systems and their critical subsystems will play an increasing role in their competitive operation. Consolidated knowledge about their past and current conditions can be used to improve performance, reliability and availability, thus enabling the optimal scheduling of maintenance activities and minimising the risk of costly unexpected failure of the systems during their service life.

The current situation concerning renewable energy production in the UK sees offshore wind generation reaching a level at which true economies of scale become reality. It is crucial that high O&M costs are reduced, and a reliable and predictable operation is ensured. This requires interdisciplinary research to develop new physical-knowledge based analytical models and data-driven condition-monitoring techniques to create new methods for asset performance management of wind power systems. Our research has been centred on the study of machine learning based data-driven models for effective condition monitoring using an intelligent and integrated approach. Through analysis of various signals, developing faults are diagnosed and prognosed well ahead of damage affecting the system. This presentation will describe the journey in the development of smart condition monitoring techniques from conception in an academic environment to practical deployments at Lancaster University.


Xiandong Ma(马献东) is a Reader in Power and Energy Systems in the School of Engineering at Lancaster University, UK. His research interests include intelligent condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of power and energy systems; condition-based operation and maintenance, modelling, optimization and control of renewable energy systems; machine learning and digital twin solutions. His work has been supported by UK EPSRC, Royal Society, Leverhulme Trust, European Commission and industry. He has published >170 papers in leading journals and conferences. He served Technical Program Chair for IEEE ICAC’18, General Conference Chair for IEEE ICAC’19 and President of the Chinese Automation and Computing Society in the UK (CACSUK) for 2019-2021. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He has been ranked in the world's top 2% researchers in terms of the citation impact of published work released by Stanford University.

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